The Time Capsule Project

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about our definition of isolation during a time of social distancing.  I imagine the loneliness people must have felt before technology existed and I can’t help but think about how lucky we are to live in a world of social media that keeps us virtually connected to each other all over the globe. Before this, how did we cope? How did we connect with family and friends? We wrote letters.

When I was a Senior in high school my Sociology teacher, Mr. Doucette gave us a time capsule project, “Write a Letter to Your Future Self”. We could include anything we wanted with it as long as it fit in an envelope and we put the correct postage on it. Mr. Doucette told us to address it to ourselves and in a year, he would mail it to us. At the time I truly had no idea how much power a simple letter could hold, but a year later when one showed up in the post addressed to myself, I was awe-struck by the significance of it. 

I thought it might be a good project to repeat now. As time is not an issue and I have an opportunity to reflect on what I want my future-future self to know a year outside of COVID-19, it seems like a simple gift to offer myself.  Perhaps you’ll join me? It’s very simple to participate. Individually or as a family, take some time to write a letter, draw a picture, jot down one word, whatever it is you want to remember from this time; images, reflections, memorabilia, a song you’re playing on repeat and its significance. Compile it all together, seal it away in an envelope and address it to yourself. If you have the willpower to store it somewhere safely for a year and revisit it, do this. If not, give it to a trusted family or friend who will mail it to you in a year's time. It’s something small you can do now that will have a big impact later. 

A huge shout out of heartfelt appreciation to all of the teachers out there. Your job is hard, (as many are learning via homeschooling) but it’s hugely impactful, as Mr. Doucette has reminded me many years later. 



Hafsa Lewis