Garden Soiree

We were delighted to partner with The Nantucket Garden Festival (NGF) this year for their Garden Soiree event. This is the NGF’s eleventh year and it’s always jam packed with memorable events. The Garden Soiree was an outdoor event, hosted in the spectacular gardens of a private home on Main Street.

H&Co was asked to design an installation and we thought a garden swing covered in blooms would be the perfect thing! Thanks to Island Lumber, the swing was donated and auctioned off to the guests, all of the proceeds went towards the Nantucket Lighthouse School. It was a huge hit and we had SO much fun designing it.

What made this piece particularly special was that we had help from our friend Krissy, of Boston Pollen who came to visit us on Nantucket that week. Read more about what else we got up to that week, here.

We’re of the opinion that all garden swings should be covered in flowers. Check out photos of the final product below!

Hafsa Lewis